October 28, 2016

Dear Frannie Friday--Best Blogs for Halloween Costume Ideas

Halloween is Monday (iknowright?).  So if you are still scrambling for a costume, here is the post for you.  Below are some of my favorite bloggers who all do Halloween better than anyone on the blogosphere.  From the simple to the extravagant, these ladies are sure to give you inspiration for a costume.

First up is my #1 favorite all time blogger, Jessica from What I Wore.  She has tons of Halloween ideas that stem from a few simple closet items to the exuberant, like below, corpse bride.  On her site, you are sure to find tons of inspiration.


As I mentioned earlier this week, Megan of TFDiaries has been showcasing a bunch of different Halloween costumes on her blog this month.  Here is one of my favorites--Chucky and his Bride.


Corilynn--I love her blog.  She is a mother of four, a clothing designer, a wife and her blog is nothing less than an inspiration sartorially and otherwise.  Of course, she rocks Halloween like none other.  I pinned this particular costume several years ago and it is still one of my most repinned pins on Pinterest.  So simple! 


Every year Keiko kills it with her Halloween costume inspiration.  She has a ton of ideas for a Halloween costume, including this one of Cruela DeVil which kills mine from last week (although to be fair, mine wasn't a costume, but instead a style inspiration).  And not only the costume, but Keiko will also show you how to do the makeup.


I often equate the blog A Beautiful Mess to that one really productive stay at home mom that you, as a working mom, hate their guts.  It is a wonderful blog that I am sure you have heard of with lots of DIY projects, recipes, and, wouldn't you know it, amazing Halloween costumes for individuals and the family.


Dress (worn as a skirt)-Old Navy
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