May 4, 2016

Wordy Wednesday--Running

Today's Wordy Wednesday is brought to you by my latest obsession.  Last week, I started running.  It is something that I never thought I would get into.  I decided to give it a go as a last ditch effort to finally lose ten pounds from my pregnancy with Reilly (who turns TWO tomorrow!!!).  I have tried juice cleanses, done two rounds of the Whole 30, walked countless miles and done several rounds of Hip Hop Abs to no avail.  I decided to try running and I honestly had no idea I would end up loving it so much.  In fact, last week when it snowed (yes . . . you read that right, it snowed last week) and I had the day off of work, I was not planning on running, but I ended up going anyway because I wanted to.  Sure, I have to get up at 4:30 in the morning to get my jog in . . . but so far it's worth it.  And I am already seeing the results!


Skirt-Spirit, thrifted
Denim Jacket-Old Navy, thrifted
Sandals-Franco Sarto
Bag-Fossil, thrifted
Necklace-Charming Charlies
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