May 6, 2016
Dear Frannie Friday--How I Found Out I Was Pregnant
With my baby turning two yesterday, it's got me all shades of nostalgic thinking about all my babies and my experiences with them. And because I have not shared how I got found out I was pregnant with any of them, I thought I might do just that for this Dear Frannie Friday.
I found out I was pregnant with Kaden in March of 2000. I had just turned 18 the month before. I was a little late, but I wasn't too convinced that anything was going on because I was on birth control pills. I took them at the same time everyday and I hadn't missed any (although I later found out how seriously debilitating my strep throat prescription pills were to my birth control). I had bought a pregnancy test after school one day (yep . . . still in high school) and decided to take the test just really quickly before I went to first period. I honestly didn't expect anything to happen . . . but when I saw the test quickly sprout two lines, my life changed forever. I remember being in total shock. I called my two best friends at the time (Bekey and Amanda . . . who was Patrick's high school girlfriend at the time) and told them to meet me at Perkins, our usual hangout for ditching class. I told them, smoked my last Marlboro Light for nine months, and headed out to third period class. I don't remember telling my mom, but I do remember her being concerned but supportive. I told my dad several weeks later over lunch (which automatically made him suspicious because to this day that is the only non-occasion meal we've ever had together) and he promptly kicked me out of the house. I told my boyfriend that I was pregnant. He asked if I was keeping the baby and I told him yes . . . and he went on a week-long drinking binge and completely disappeared. I didn't hear from him or know where he was. Later, Kaden ended up sharing prom and graduation with me. Not in the plan, but clearly I wouldn't change it for the world.
Much less of a sad story than with Kaden but no less dramatic for sure. Like with Kaden, I was on birth control pills when I got pregnant with Conner, but had recently switched brands. I had been dating his dad for about six months when I got what I thought were the worst cramps of my life. I had always had really horrible cramps, but this time I was on the floor balling hysterically. I thought my appendix was bursting! So my boyfriend rushed me to the doctor. They, of course, got a urine sample from me, which I thought nothing of. There I was, sitting on the doctors table fearing the worst when a nurse popped her head in the room and, with a very chipper German accent, congratulated me on my pregnancy. In fact, I was 10 weeks along! I had had a cyst on my ovaries that had burst because of the growing uterus--hence the severe cramping. Well that was unexpected. I was absolutely dumbfounded and scared for my life. Kaden was four and I was in what seemed to be a good relationship (I had known the guy for almost a decade prior) but we had just started dating and I was in no way ready for another baby. But here I was--pregnant with #2! Luckily this time, my partner was extremely excited, which helped. And I was blessed 30 weeks later with an amazing little boy.
With Brielle, I have no excuse. And although I did not plan to become pregnant yet again (especially since Conner was only one when I found out I was pregnant with her), it didn't come as too much of a shock as I was not on any birth control and was so busy being a mom to two boys, in school and working full time, that I didn't realize I was late on my period until I was really late on my period. Taking the pregnancy test was a mere formality. Although I had managed to escape morning sickness with both of my boys, we lived across the street from a Chinese food restaurant at the time and every morning I wanted to die from the smell. I was getting sick all the time and I was really overly tired (which I actually attributed to all of the aforementioned responsibilities on my plate). But I ran across the street to a grocery store after telling my boyfriend that I thought I was (he agreed), we took the test, it was positive and we just kind of went with it. It is so unromantic, but that is how that went down. However, I will say that I just knew this baby was my little girl from the moment I saw the positive on the test. I even told her dad that. And she is the light of my life.
Well I had previously shared on here my very sad and unfortunate miscarriage that I had right before finding out I was pregnant with Reilly. I was so devastated and although Patrick and I continued to try and I knew that I was really fertile, I was nervous. I didn't know if that meant that I would not ever get pregnant again, not be able to carry a healthy child to term again or, if I did get pregnant, how long it would take. But I did know that unlike previous times, I watched my body and my cycle like a hawk. And when I missed my period by a day, I took a test--not just any drug store test, but the fancy, expensive digital test. When I saw the "pregnant" come up on the screen, I was alone. I squealed with joy. And it was five days before my wedding anniversary with Patrick. I knew I wanted to tell him in a really exciting and great way. So for our anniversary, I made him a scrapbook with a bunch of photographs. And on our anniversary, sitting on a bench in the same gorgeous garden that we got married in, I gave him the scrapbook. And on the very last page, was a picture of the pregnancy test. And I remember the happiness in his eyes and the smile on his face. And it was exactly the moment I had been waiting for. And I got to do it right this time.
This is not to say that I don't love and cherish my other kids and that being their mother and being pregnant with them wasn't each and every time the greatest joy of my life, but I wasn't ready. For any of them. And I robbed them of a story like Reilly's. And I feel awful about that. But I do know one thing--every belly hiccup, every kick in my belly, every first cry, every doctor's appointment, I loved it all. And their stories might not be glamorous but they are unique and real and contain all the emotions I've ever had. And I am very proud of every single moment that they have been in my life--from discovery of their existence to now.
Dress-Gianni Bini
Blazer-Harper and Grey, thrifted

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Your red jacket is awesome and the wide leg sailor pants....awesome-r! I love this look.
I love thrifting. About 80 to 85% of what I own was thrifted. My sis doesn't like thrifting for all the reasons you mentioned but me, I don't mind at all for all the good reasons you've also pointed out. Friends see my wardrobe and think that I have a lot of money to throw away on clothes. I know I don't.
The good thing about thrifting here is that the clothes come from different parts of the world, mostly Asian brands and most of the quality is great.
I love thrifting. About 80 to 85% of what I own was thrifted. My sis doesn't like thrifting for all the reasons you mentioned but me, I don't mind at all for all the good reasons you've also pointed out. Friends see my wardrobe and think that I have a lot of money to throw away on clothes. I know I don't.
The good thing about thrifting here is that the clothes come from different parts of the world, mostly Asian brands and most of the quality is great.
Love the mix of masculine military vest and very feminine pink skirt!
My recent post Black, Gold & Tribal Print
My recent post Black, Gold & Tribal Print
Serious bragging rights you've got there, Frannie! State Senator! Wow! Kudos to Conner!
Now I've seen a lovely way to style my brown skirt. Cute look.
I wish I knew suggestions to give about Kaden. I'm sorry that I don't.
Now I've seen a lovely way to style my brown skirt. Cute look.
I wish I knew suggestions to give about Kaden. I'm sorry that I don't.
How badly do I want that sweater!! I love it.... I'm now following you by email.
I've been wanting a white blazer for so long. Love yours. Cute look.
My recent post Chain Link
My recent post Chain Link
I understand its good to be responsible about spending money, but when a Giorgio Armani item is that dirt cheap you'll be needing jail to keep me from getting them. Looooove your dress; all the pockets and buttons! it's so fab with the leo shoes.
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My recent post Jersey and Oxfords
Wow, Robin! I love this look! Fab spiked cap! Cute sandals too.
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My recent post My Small World.....
Love your relaxed look. Acceptance of people from a different culture, ethics, sexuality, color, e.t.c is something a lot of people (myself inclusive) need to learn. I think that it's an individual thing. And is a pointer to how open-minded and humane someone truly is. I think that at first there is the shock to overcome and then if someone is open-minded they become accepting of the other person.
I must confess I did wonder about some of your work outfits, but you're lucky τ̲̅☺ have such relaxed dress code at work. I like the occasional power suit myself but on the regular I don't. Cute monochrome look. Love your necklace.
My recent post Bubble gummy
My recent post Bubble gummy
Cute skirt. Love the look, Frannie.
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